Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sweep Nets Meeting

Yesterday, I met Miss Luah, the museum curator @ Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research. I asked her about the techniques and variables which should be taken into consideration when sweeping. Of course, I read up earlier and found out that there are a variables which will affect the efficiency of a sweep net.
1. weather - wind speed, temperature, intensity of solar radiation.
2. habitats- height of plants
3. time of the day
4. different styles of sweeping
Since wind speed is not controllable and sweeping is done in such a short period, it is negligible. Temperature, although varies but is quite stable after all. As for solar radiations, we're doing the sleeping when the just 'just rises'. Around 9.30am in the morning would be best according to Miss Luah. She also said that the leaves shouldn't be wet when we're doing the sweeping.
For every sub-hab, I should be sweeping a few trees. There's one patch of tiup-tiup with almost no undergrowth so I don't know how am I gonna come about that area. We'll see later when I go up the ridge with Miss Luah at 9.30am. She'll be showing me some techniques for sweeping. It has to be fast and traps the insects at the bottom of the net so that it'll be easier for me to turn them into the killing jars. Different styles of sweeping actually gets different insects because some insects will be scared away when you sweep for the first time already.

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